inferno 18 years ago
avenger pls, you are teh big noob
upgrade your internet ROFL! i'mplaying with 50 ping and r used to12
I mean cmon, you play with high kurwa ping all the time couse your country is teh suck, BL in rest of your matches, next time we will play in sweden ok!
bps 18 years ago
Totally understand, and agree with inferno. Doed at 50ms!
murdoc 18 years ago
agree, 38ms would be more fair
Avenger 18 years ago
ping whine of noskill player :(
inferno 18 years ago
avenger do you recall me whineing at all during the game?
actually you who started it here with your "big noob" flaming
poor sportmanship from your side thx,
and I can't really understand where your whine comes from you retarded polish fuck,
aaah now I remember why I have set autoban for .pl in #ass he he he
-insane- 18 years ago
Inferno how old are you? 12 ? fucking ignorant kid. We`re also used to 12/25 ms (thats the ping we get in poland) so stop this crap. Conditions were fair guess you couldnt handle the pressure.
Grow up
Tjall 18 years ago
agree, 38ms would be more fair (c) murdoc
it takes 3min of povo to get used to 100ms (c) def
I wouldn't undermine teh authority? ;G ;G ;G
peppe 18 years ago
lol did you guys even search for a good server?
I mean was fine when I played baze
shouldn't be that hard to play on a fair server :E
lbn 18 years ago
ping was equal so stfu. 2x under 0 in fragrank and whine. lol