9 - 7 knast
comment by razor
start was exciting, we both went around map for like 2 minutes but no one
could find the other one, but after a while knast totally fooled me,
and he fooled me once more after that, and score was like 4-0,
and he played defensive at ra/mh, and i made some not so spectacular attacks there :) but somehow i managed to get scores even, and then got some spawnfrags or something :)
i tried play cs in end but sucked hard on it, was long time ago i played cs on 1on1 dm2, need to prac that again :) this was a good game!
comment by knast
My map, first 2 mins i camped at ng;) and waited that u will come about quad and u came...
But that was not the right time to get the lead thats why i retried.
Next Camper position was at low, and i got him and i got him again.
But then i did a mistake i camped on the wrong position in the other games i camped generally on a other position *topsecret* :)
Well i should win with lead of 4 frags (camping tele etc:))
He was in the fear, i had to play with minping and he played my style on my map!
But he got me and after the official game we played dm6 and ztndm3 and he won both
Btw i have the feeling im the only one who take always dm2:)
No whining, No serverproblems, No cheating like anti, just playing qw
thats a nice opponent, he got my commendation!
just play against him and u will lose!
Good games and good killing days in the future!