I think Buggy have some kind of timers. Atleast have had :)
#5 Chipi (62.77.248.xxx) 2004-06-15 12:15:33
zzz man. You speak about this match? There wasnt neither any stopwatch, or buggy used them really badly:)) Learn some timing:)
#6 Gamer (193.166.235.xxx) 2004-06-15 13:20:20
#7 Gamer (193.166.235.xxx) 2004-06-15 13:33:19
#8 buggy (81.197.0.xxx) 2004-06-15 13:44:16
Busted x[ well i had to try something, playing after a month break. And it did give me the victory! As you can see from the demos, with timers you don't even have to know how to move or aim!
#9 Hagge (217.210.145.xxx) 2004-06-15 13:46:57
agree with buggy! after one month break you are of a huge disadventage so this kind of cheat should be allowed then! I myself have breaked for approx one month now so I wonder where can I find this cheat-cfg??? tnx.
#10 buggy (81.197.0.xxx) 2004-06-15 13:51:54
jester *puss*
#11 gijs (82.168.247.xxx) 2004-06-15 15:53:05
get et spawntimer u newbs :<
#12 nih (195.149.46.xxx) 2004-06-15 17:48:13
so let me get this straight, you all think its acceptable to use timers in 1v1?
#13 Gamer (193.166.235.xxx) 2004-06-15 20:40:13
u mean timers for every item or what? of course not.. but normal timers such as scoreboard clock, eggclock or angelina are acceptable imo.
#14 nih (195.149.46.xxx) 2004-06-15 20:56:25
so a 100h timer that buggy clearly used, that whenever his health got < 100 it spammed 100h in 20 as a reminder is ok? i dont think so, its clearly a cheat, anyone who thinks otherwise is a cheat as well:(
#15 Chipi (213.163.8.xxx) 2004-06-15 22:53:48
zzz its so easy to recognise when your hp goes down to 100 (if you had mega), then pickup red (you dont even need to use timer for this) to get mega and next red in time too...
#16 joulukuu (80.186.36.xxx) 2004-06-15 23:44:35
its so unfair when buggy says "took ra@ra" every time with automessages, he knows when the ra spawns again!
#17 nih (195.149.46.xxx) 2004-06-16 01:17:32
duh, i'm not talking about the autotook msg's, watch when his health gets to below 100, a timer automatically reminds him that 100h will spawn in 20secs, are the cheaters the only ones having 'problems' grasping this concept?
#18 Apollyon (160.45.22.xxx) 2004-06-21 12:16:14
nih this is part of the fancy advanced teamplay cfgs these days which everyone but decent people like you and me are using.
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